来源: 作者:lil 2023年10月09
领先全球Oscilent高质量石英晶体振荡器详情曝光,The Oscilent brand is a broad line provider of frequency control products that offers design and production expertise in RF Filtering, focused on Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) resonators-based filters. Oscilent is powered by Abracon, which provides the latest technical design support and global supply chain flexibility to solve customers’ unique challenges of today.
Oscilent Corporation是频率控制产品的广泛生产线制造商,提供SAW滤波器,石英晶体,石英晶体振荡器,晶体滤波器和陶瓷谐振器的设计和生产专业知识。我们的产品系列包括温度补偿(TCXO)和电压控制(VCXO)振荡器的广泛定制和标准功能,以及每个焦点产品类别的完整设计和开发功能。Oscilent为世界所有主要开发和制造区域的OEM,设计和合同制造客户提供服务。

Small form factors allow system designers to keep their products condensed and compact, but the reduced size comes at a performance cost compared to larger versions of the same components. For high-speed computations and operations, many applications require extremely low jitter from the reference clock. System designers evaluate the trade-offs and alternatives to search for the best combination of size and rms phase jitter performance. Some applications that use such low jitter technology include optical modules, cloud computing, networking, data storage, PCIe-5/6, 100G/200G/400G/800G Ethernet and other RF applications.
Oscilent Corporation is a frequency control equipment manufacturer committed to providing customers with low-cost, high-quality products with the highest level of customer service. We recognize that profitability is directly related to our ability to serve customers with competitive prices as our primary product. We are committed to enriching our clients and employees and maintaining a work environment that promotes personal and professional development.
Oscillent Corporation is a manufacturer of a wide range of frequency control products, providing professional knowledge in the design and production of SAW filters, quartz crystals, quartz crystal oscillators, crystal filters, and ceramic resonators. Our product line includes extensive customization and standard functionalities for temperature compensated (TCXO) and voltage controlled (VCXO) oscillators, as well as complete design and development capabilities for each focus product category. Oscilent provides services to OEM, design, and contract manufacturing clients in all major development and manufacturing regions around the world.
Oscilent is a recognized manufacturer and trusted supplier of some of the largest original equipment manufacturers in North America, Asia, and Europe, including a large customer base composed of Fortune 500 and multinational corporations.
Oscilent Corporation是一家频率控制设备制造商,致力于以最高水平的客户服务为客户提供低成本,高质量的产品。我们认识到,盈利能力与我们以具有竞争力的价格为首要产品服务客户的能力直接相关。我们致力于丰富我们的客户和员工,并保持促进个人和职业发展的工作环境。Oscilent Corporation是频率控制产品的广泛生产线制造商,提供SAW滤波器,石英晶体,石英晶体振荡器,晶体滤波器和陶瓷谐振器的设计和生产专业知识。我们的产品系列包括温度补偿(TCXO)和电压控制(VCXO)振荡器的广泛定制和标准功能,以及每个焦点产品类别的完整设计和开发功能。Oscilent为世界所有主要开发和制造区域的OEM,设计和合同制造客户提供服务。
Small form factors allow system designers to keep their products condensed and compact, but the reduced size comes at a performance cost compared to larger versions of the same components. For high-speed computations and operations, many applications require extremely low jitter from the reference clock. System designers evaluate the trade-offs and alternatives to search for the best combination of size and rms phase jitter performance. Some applications that use such low jitter technology include optical modules, cloud computing, networking, data storage, PCIe-5/6, 100G/200G/400G/800G Ethernet and other RF applications.
此文关键字: 石英晶体振荡器
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