来源: 作者:康比电子 2024年03月02
Anderson晶振公司研发的超可靠的AE132型号晶振,AE132型号石英晶体谐振器的特点:频率范围8.0 MHz - 150.0 MHz缝封封装,封装紧凑轻薄,在频率稳定性、老化性、精度、可靠性等方面均表现出优异的技术性能。磁带/卷轴符合EIA 481标准。通过无铅认证/ Pb-Free
Anderson Electronics自1959年以来一直是石英晶振的制造商。这是一家家族企业,总裁(威廉·安德森先生)是创始人的儿子。公司占地32000平方米。占地10英亩,在两栋建筑中有2英尺的空间。这些建筑都相当新,行政、销售、装修和工程在一栋楼(建于1988年),切割和研磨在另一栋楼(建于1990年)。我们有3名工程师,在晶体和振荡器行业有9到39年的经验,2名技术人员,总员工78人。
我们觉得我们不是一般的晶振公司。我们是美国为数不多的仍在自己进行石英切割、棒和毛坯研磨的晶振公司之一。除了拥有完整的晶体制造设施外,我们还拥有完整的混合制造能力。我们有能力做我们自己的厚膜丝网印刷和烧制随着金丝粘合。安德森电子设计标准和定制石英晶体滤波器可在单极和多极配置。分立和单片设计可用。所有晶体滤波器均采用通孔和贴片封装,并包含密封的石英晶体。晶体滤波器有通孔封装和贴片封装两种。安德森为您的设计团队需求提供快速的样品,全面的生产能力和有竞争力的价格。安德森电子公司是一家拥有近50年历史的石英晶振制造商,总部位于宾夕法尼亚州Hollidaysburg,为电信,频率控制,遥测,医疗,仪器仪表,航空电子和通信行业的全球市场提供服务。定制水晶需求的设计和制造具有竞争力的价格。由于能够在现场切割和搭接石英,快速交付是产品的标准部分。无论要求是晶体空白,传感器晶体,密封单元还是混合时钟振荡器,安德森电子都可以支持您的需求。回顾为OCXO晶振, TCXO晶振, VCXO晶振等有源晶振,滤波器和时钟晶体提供的各种封装;无论它是一个高频基频(倒置台面),第三,第五,或第七泛音,AT或DRAT晶体,或这些的组合。
Anderson ultra-reliable AE132 crystal oscillator, AE132 crystal oscillator features: frequency range 8.0MHz - 150.0MHz slot sealing package, compact and thin package, in the frequency stability, aging, accuracy, reliability and other aspects of excellent technical performance. Tapes/reels comply with EIA 481 standards. Certified lead free/Pb-Free
Anderson Electronics has been a manufacturer of quartz crystals since 1959. It is a family business and the president (Mr. William Anderson) is the son of the founder. The company covers an area of 32,000 square meters. Located on 10 acres, there is 2 feet of space in two buildings. The buildings are fairly new, with administration, sales, decoration and engineering in one building (built in 1988) and cutting and grinding in the other (built in 1990). We have 3 engineers with 9 to 39 years of experience in the crystal and oscillator industry, 2 technicians, and a total of 78 employees.
We feel like we're not just any crystal company. We are one of the few crystal oscillator companies in the United States that still does our own quartz cutting, rod and blank grinding. In addition to having a complete crystal manufacturing facility, we also have a complete hybrid manufacturing capability. We have the ability to do our own thick film screen printing and firing along with gold wire bonding. Anderson Electronics designs standard and custom quartz crystal filters available in unipolar and multipolar configurations. Discrete and monolithic designs are available. All crystal filters are packaged in through-hole and patch packages and contain sealed quartz crystals. There are two kinds of crystal filter: through hole package and patch package. Anderson offers fast samples, full production capacity and competitive prices for your design team needs. Anderson Electronics is a nearly 50-year old quartz crystal manufacturer headquartered in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, serving global markets in the telecommunications, frequency control, telemetry, medical, instrumentation, avionics and communications industries. Custom crystal requirements are designed and manufactured at competitive prices. With the ability to cut and lap quartz on site, fast delivery is a standard part of the product. Whether the requirements are crystal blanks, sensor crystals, sealed units or hybrid clock oscillators, Anderson Electronics can support your needs. Review the various packages provided for OCXO crystal, TCXO crystal, VCXO crystal and other active crystal, filter and clock crystal; Whether it is a high frequency fundamental (inverted countertop), a third, fifth, or seventh overtone, an AT or DRAT crystal, or a combination of these.晶振技术资料

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